How to Build an Automated Story Website for Children

How to Build an Automated Story Website for Children

Introduction Demo Before you dive into the realm of story-generating magic, take a moment to witness the awesomeness that awaits you at Brace yourself for a whimsical journey through the realm of imagination! Goal Welcome to the wacky world of automated storytelling! Our mission: to create a website that hosts enchanting stories exclusively for children. We’ve set our sights on banishing manual labor from the equation and automating everything in sight.
Build a Website With Hugo and Deploy to Firebase

Build a Website With Hugo and Deploy to Firebase

HUGO What is HUGO? Hugo is a static site generator written in Go. It is designed to be fast and flexible, and can be used to create websites of any kind, from blogs to portfolios to documentation sites. Hugo can be customized using templates and can be configured using a TOML, YAML, or JSON configuration file. It is known for its speed and ability to handle large numbers of pages and media files.