
Java vs Python the Eternal Rivalry

Java vs Python the Eternal Rivalry

Ah, the age-old question: Java or Python? Developers have been debating this for years, and it seems like there’s no end in sight. It’s like trying to choose between pizza and ice cream. Both are delicious, but one is probably going to give you a stomach ache if you eat too much of it. But fear not, dear reader, for I am here to break down the pros and cons of both languages and help you make an informed decision.
Plex Server Alerts in Telegram Using Node Red

Plex Server Alerts in Telegram Using Node Red

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could receive a notification in telegram when a movie starts playing in you plex server? In this Article, We will learn how to setup a bot and make it send notifications when a movie starts playing in plex. Before you Start Before you start you would need the following… PLEX Server : You will need a plex server running in any of your home servers.
Monitor Api Response Time in SprintBoot Using Grafana

Monitor Api Response Time in SprintBoot Using Grafana

API Response time — Response time is the amount of time a system takes to respond to a request once it has received one . For example, the time between the instant we execute an API and this API returns the result of its computation, that’s the response time. As of today, There are numerous ways to monitor spring boot applications and the API response time. But, Many of the cases when your production environments are running old versions of Spring or there are legacy code where you will not be able to utilise the latest frameworks.
SendGrid Send Email Script

SendGrid Send Email Script

Send EMAIL via SendGrid API using Shell Script We had a requirement to send the Emails via SendGrid using a shell script, SendGrid does expose their HTTP API’s. Below are some cURL examples for several basic use cases to get you sending email through SendGrid’s v3 Mail Send endpoint right away! curl --request POST \ --url \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data '{"personalizations": [{"to": [{"email": "recipient@example.
Track SSH Logins via Telegram

Track SSH Logins via Telegram

If you are a Dev-Ops Engineer, You and Your team may want to keep a track of who is logging in to which Servers/Virtual Machines. In this article, We will learn how to create a Telegram Bot and write a shell script to send messages to Telegram messenger using the Curl command. Then you will also use this shell script to send a notification to your Telegram Channel when a SSH login is detected.