
How to keep Elastic Search Clean

How to keep Elastic Search Clean

Elasticsearch is a powerful search engine that can help you search, analyze, and visualize your data. However, as you add more and more data to your Elasticsearch indices, they can become cluttered and difficult to manage. In this blog, we will discuss how to keep your Elasticsearch indices clean and organized, as well as provide some shell scripts to help you automate the process. First, let’s define what we mean by “clean” Elasticsearch indices.
Service Manager for Linux operating systems - systemctl

Service Manager for Linux operating systems - systemctl

systemd is a system and service manager for Linux operating systems. It provides a standard way to manage services, and it is the default init system for many popular Linux distributions, including Ubuntu. One of the tools that is provided with systemd is systemctl, which is a command-line utility that allows you to control the state of systemd and the services it manages. In this blog post, we will discuss the basics of systemctl and how it can be used to manage services on an Ubuntu system.
Ubuntu NTP (Network Time Protocol) Setup

Ubuntu NTP (Network Time Protocol) Setup

Network Time Protocol (NTP) is a networking protocol used to synchronize the clocks of computer systems over a network. It is designed to ensure that the time displayed on all computers in a network is accurate, even if some of the computers have incorrect or outdated clock settings. NTP is particularly useful in environments where multiple computers need to coordinate their actions or share time-sensitive information, such as in a distributed database or a network of servers.
Plex Server Alerts in Telegram Using Node Red

Plex Server Alerts in Telegram Using Node Red

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could receive a notification in telegram when a movie starts playing in you plex server? In this Article, We will learn how to setup a bot and make it send notifications when a movie starts playing in plex. Before you Start Before you start you would need the following… PLEX Server : You will need a plex server running in any of your home servers.
Planted Aquarium — Automated Time Lapse

Planted Aquarium — Automated Time Lapse

Just Planted Aquarium? NO. You can create a TimeLapse Video for every use-case you can think of. Today, I will show you how I created an Automated TimeLapse for my Planted Aquarium. Here is the latest TimeLapse : Before you Start Before you start, you would need the following… A Camera : To capture the Images Yes, You will need a camera. I used a TP-LINK 3MP (Tapo 110) .
Track SSH Logins via Telegram

Track SSH Logins via Telegram

If you are a Dev-Ops Engineer, You and Your team may want to keep a track of who is logging in to which Servers/Virtual Machines. In this article, We will learn how to create a Telegram Bot and write a shell script to send messages to Telegram messenger using the Curl command. Then you will also use this shell script to send a notification to your Telegram Channel when a SSH login is detected.